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The Golden Rule Of Mongering: Never Fall in Love!

Mongering is an addiction, some say. And maybe it is. All I know is that I enjoy mongering, for I am a whore monger.

Monger: a person who is involved with something in a petty or contemptible way (usually used in combination):

The Urban Dictionary explains mongering as “A person who is actively researching and on the prowl for sexual intercourse with a professional or otherwise. This mostly happens away from home in a foreign Country or City, but can happen right in your own town”.
That’s me.

To be a succesful monger there really is only one rule to follow (yup, me and my rules): Don’t fall in love!

Successful mongers never fall in love, all they do is put their dick and their money at play. If you don’t respect this rule, you will end being hurt, holding your own dick and an empty wallet.

It is easy to misinterpret the warm feeling you get from having sex and fun with this person you just met or keep on banging. I seldom repeat, so I don’t much experience with that. But when the fun ends, it’s time to put your dick in your pants and your confusion in check.

Getting yourself entangled in a relationship based on the confusion, will only complicate your life.

One does not go into a whorehouse looking for romance or looking for a meaningful relationship. Mongering is 100% about sex, and zero complications.

I’ve heard it all before. She is great in bed. Makes me feel like no other has ever before. She is different. I am only playing. It’s only sex.  If your words are only to please me, you are fooling yourself. A good monger says those things and really means it.

The best of mongering is you get to live in the moment, let your passion go free, have the most and best sex you can have. But once it’s passed, it’s gone. Never to return. Time to look for the next moment.

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