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    Why Mongering Is Better Than Dating

    I am a whore monger plain and simple. Yes, I have considered giving it up.  But then I got to thinking of the alternative: dating. And came up with this list by mongering is way better. Consider this: 1. You don’t have to me your future mother-in-law and the rest of the family. In Costa […]

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    “Chica Friendly” Hotels and Resorts

    “Chica Friendly” hotels refers to those hotels that will not frown or refuse your sex social worker accompanying you. The term was coined years ago by a number of mongers who preferred the use of the word “chica” when referring to prostitutes. A few, a handful, of hotels around the country actually count on the […]

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    Is She A Sex Social Worker? Or Not.

    OK, you are in your favourite watering hotel, coffee bar, strolling the local mall, grocery shopping, wherever, and you’ve spotted the most beautiful girl in your life. Or at least in the last five minutes.   bar or disco in San José. Unless you are in the Blue Marlin or Key Largo, where 99.0% of […]

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