Rico’s Corner

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    Austrian brothel offers free sex in tax protest

    COSTA RICA CONFIDENTIAL – I doubt we could ever see something like this in Costa Rica, but we can dream, can’t we. (uk.reuters.com) A man in Austria, fed up with what he says are punitive tax payments, has offered free sex to customers at his Salzburg brothel. “First and foremost it is a protest against […]

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    More and More and More Photos!

    For those who have been visiting for some time I am sure you noticed the changes I made in the last couple of weeks. In search of a direction for the site, I am going to focus more on photos – lots of photos, from eroticas, sexy, provocative, Tica Nica & Latina models, amateurs and […]

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    Prostitutes (Sex Social Workers) in Costa Rica Demand Labour Rights

    (QCOSTARICA) In celebration of International Sex Worker’s Day (Día Internacional de la Trabajadora Sexual in Spanish), on June 2nd each year, sex workers are demanding recognition of their labour rights, that includes vacation, severance pay, health insurance and a pension. A group of some 400 sex workers represented by the association, “Asociación La Sala”, founded […]

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    New – Disqus Comments Discussion Added

    I have added the Disqus (pronounced discuss) comments and discussion service for more interaction with the site and other users. One of the problems with implementing a comments/discussion section has always been the amount of spam. Disqus eliminates all that and allows open and spam free comments and discussion hosted on their network. According to […]

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    We’ve Cleaned Up Our Act!

    What? Well not really. In an attempt to be ASFW, an abbreviation of the phrase “almost safe for work,” all the content on the site will be sexy, provocative and more, but not pornographic. All material that could be considered pornographic – that is a stretch for us, because we really don’t consider anything pornographic, […]

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    Women And Their Jealousy!

      CONFIDENTIAL HUMOUR – The other day I was walking with my girlfriend (ok, not my girlfriend, but I am quite sure she is a girlfriend of some other), holding hands, when I grabbed her phone to use the camera to snap the picture above. To my total disbelief she got totally out of whack […]

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