Let’s talk about the top tier girls. By ‘top tier’ I don’t mean that they are necessarily any good in the sack, but that the way they look, maybe combined with some salesmanship and/or work ethic, put them in the highest income bracket. There is a lot of silicon to be found among these girls, both top and bottom, and chances are the surgery was paid for by a ‘sponsor’ (pimp?) or some gringo who thinks he’s her boyfriend.
The ‘top tier’ girls have a reputation for being pretty mercenary, usually well deserved. They aren’t working for the fun of it. It’s a cliche, but truly “it’s all about the money.”
Some may play the ‘girlfriend’ game. Some have local sugar daddies, but most have latched on to a sucker from up north and played him like a Wal-Mart ukelele. The number of guys who fall for this game is astounding, but if I’ve seen it once I’ve seen it… well, too often. But you can’t wise these guys up most of the time. Clinging to their fantasy is what it’s all about and they will get quite upset if you ‘truth’ them.
I know girls who have gotten cars, expensive vacations, and even houses, not to mention cash from some moron living up north who thinks he has a beautiful girlfriend who is in love with him down in Costa Rica, while she is continuing to hook whenever he’s not in the country. The truly money hungry can never have enough. Many are addicted to the party lifestyle and aren’t about to sit at home watching television every night no matter how much the ‘boyfriend’ up north sends her.
Although ‘top tier girls’ make a lot of money, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are any good in bed. A friend of mine has a very rich older friend who offered to pay for a session for for my friend with a girl some guys call ‘Del Rey Barbie.’ At the time she was the prototypical top tier girl: silicon everywhere, flat stomach, pretty face and nose in the air. My friend later told me she was ‘the worst f*** of his life.’ She had all these rules… Don’t touch me here, here or here, don’t mess up my hair, I don’t do this, I don’t do that… get your business done and let me go sucker somebody else.

All top tier girls aren’t bad performers but it’s definitely a case of ‘let the buyer beware.’ Just because you are paying top dollar doesn’t mean she’ll perform accordingly. Most of the ‘top tier’ girls will ask at least $100 for an hour. A few will come down a little, others won’t budge and others will ask even more than $100. Personally, if the girl won’t budge off her asking price even a little, it’s a good sign she’s doesn’t really want to have fun with you.
But especially in dealing with the top tier girls, remember the famous words of many who came before me, no pun intended: Your Mileage May Vary.
Article by Thomas O’Brien, first appeared on Lovercostaricastyle.com