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Is She A Sex Social Worker? Or Not.

OK, you are in your favourite watering hotel, coffee bar, strolling the local mall, grocery shopping, wherever, and you’ve spotted the most beautiful girl in your life. Or at least in the last five minutes.


bar or disco in San José. Unless you are in the Blue Marlin or Key Largo, where 99.0% of the women, unless they are working behind the bar, are all sex social workers, instead of calling them whores or prostitutes.

So, how do you tell a regular worker apart from a sex social worker? The answer is to that question is very difficult, however, there are some sure fire signs that are consistent with all sex social workers, that can help you make the distinction and avoid being embarrassed, slapped in the face or punched out by a boyfriend/husband or thrown out by security.

Making it even more difficult is the part-time sex social workers, those girls who decide to offer their brand of services when the economic occasion arises. This type of girl will not normally behave like the seasoned sex social workers and can easily fool you.

But there are specific traits that is common to all sex social workers, even the part-timers.

Do you need some company? Is one sure fire way to know you are in the right or wrong direction, depending on what you are looking for. Regular girls generally don’t approach men, especially foreigners, and with such directness and if they do, they certainly won’t approach you with that line.

Have you ever paid for sex? This is a question that can crop up in a conversation. She is feeling you out. Of course the answer is always, yes. If she is a sex social worker, she knows you are a player and the conversation can be steered towards making the deal. If she is not a sex social worker, then you can simply tell that

Which hotel are you staying at? The question serves a double purpose, one to ascertain if you a a visitor or living in Costa Rica and the type of spender you are. Also, knowing which hotel and the distance back to where you picked up or her home is important for the taxi tip.

The attitude and dress of sex social workers often is different than regular girls. However, be aware that Latinas like dress provocative and can easily be mistaken for a sex social worker, when she is not.

Things to take notice of:

– High heels
– Wearing “bitch” boots
– Short skirt
– Revealing top
– Being friendly and all touchy, touchy with you
– Sex talk
– Letting you buy her drinks
– Dirty dancing

Whatever the case may be, the are two very important things to keep in mind. One, have fun and second, don’t fall in love!

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