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We’ve Cleaned Up Our Act!

What? Well not really. In an attempt to be ASFW, an abbreviation of the phrase “almost safe for work,” all the content on the site will be sexy, provocative and more, but not pornographic.


All material that could be considered pornographic – that is a stretch for us, because we really don’t consider anything pornographic, all is what it is – has been moved over to the other sites like Creepshots and XXX Costa Rica and/or is behind a privacy while required registration (free).

This does not mean there won’t be an exposed titty here and there, can’t help it, we love tits and all that goes with them.

Having said, there is a lot more content coming your way, content that is meant to entertain, provoke, inform and well, get you coming back often.

And please, click on the sponsor links. Every little bit helps cover the costs of bringing you this great site.

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