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Go to jail for uttering obscenities to women in Costa Rica

piropoPiropos are flirtatious remarks or comments men often say to women as they walk down the street in Latin American countries.

For example. ¿Qué hace una estrella como tú volando tan bajo? (What is a beautiful star like you doing by flying so close to earth?) Unfortunately, there are many piropos which are directed towards women that are extremely vulgar and degrading.

Now there is a law in Costa Rica that can punish men with a fine and or jail time if they insult women with indecorous remarks. According to Article 392 of the Contravenciones Contra Las Buenas Costumbres, “Anyone can be put in jail from 5 to 30 days for expressing obscene words or gestures in public. If judge decides that the words expressed insult one’s honor, fines can range from a little over $100 to almost $800 dollars depending on the offense. Furthermore, if the guilty party can’t pay the fine, he will have to spend time in jail to work it off.”

Here is a list of the some of the vulgarities for which a man could be fined or thrown in jail in Costa Rica:

  • ¡Caripicha! – Penis face
  • ¡Chúpeme el culo! – Kiss my butt
  • ¡Deje de ventilarse el hocico con tanta mierda!– Stop ventilating your mouth with so much BS
  • ¡Hijueputa! – Son of a bitch
  • ¡Huelepedos! – A kiss ass
  • ¡Malparido! – Bastard
  • ¡Mamapichas! – A person who performs falacio
  • ¡Me cago en tu madre! – I will defecate on your mother (very insulting)
  • ¡Qué ricas nalgas! What a nice butt you have!
  • ¡Rica! – Rica or delicious woman
  • ¡Vaya ver quién se la coge! – Get screwed or go to hell

There are a lot more of these obscene remarks which I have chosen not to include. God forbid if a foreigner utter one of these vulgarities!

This article originally appeared on Costa Rican Spanish.

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