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How can I tell if my massage girl is really in to me?

crc-massageCOSTA RICA CONFIDENTIAL – How can I tell if my massage girl is really in to me? We’ve all been there, she starts to massage your private parts, with a passion that we can only think it’s for me. She is really into me, the stud that I always knew I am.

But, she isn’t, plain and simple. She makes a living stroking every guy, any guy, that comes through the door and is willing to pay of her touch.
The very few smart ones are those that give you that special touch, makes you feel you are the one, all the others are just clients. That’s part of her job, making every client feel they are the one. Don’t mistake that for “signals” that she wants more of you the bulge in your pockets, you know the one you keep your cash in.
Your line, charm, works on her. She won’t say no as long as you keep on paying. It’s easy to mistakee this for more than what it is, she being totally affected by your awesomee sex appeal.

How do I know? Lets start where your are, in a “massage parlour” wanting to get your rocks off. And she is just one of the number of girls there that day, probably every day.

If you go to the restaurant and the waitress starts to rub your shoulders … she is interested in you. Maybe for a better tip, a paid date. Maybe even a real date, you know the one where you take her to her favourite place to eat, even a show (movie), a midnight stroll and no sex at the end?Now, if you are getting a massage and “your” girl starts rubbing your dick, that’s her job. She’s a professional and you’re a client.  All her clients imagine she wants them; that’s what they’re paying for.

Hmmm … would you be asking this question about any of your other health care practitioners, like when the proctologist sticks his/her finger in your butt? I think not.

A massage in Costa Rica is physically intimate. Typically a non-sexual massage costs more. This can cause confusion in clients. Ticas, Latinas in general, are emotional and like sex, even better if she is getting paid for it. They can make you feel the physical as emotional intimacy. IT IS NOT EMOTIONAL INTIMACY. IT IS PURELY ALL ABOUT THE MONEY.

If you are wanting a girlfriend/sex partner, don’t go looking in a massage parlour. Go elsewhere. She is a prostitute, and though my favourite type of woman is a prostitute, she won’t be exclusive to you.

It’s simple really, a happy ending costs? The more expensive happy endings are the ones you never were asked to pay for, but you end up doing so big time, in money and emotional investment.

The next time you get a massage, live the illusion, it can even enhance your sexual experience. But, remember where you are and why she is there and just enjoy. After all, when you go to the supermarket to buy milk, you don’t ask to buy the ….

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