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Proposal To Ban “Piropos” In Costa Rica Fails!

Ticas are used to Costa Rican “machismo”, and know how to handle the slew of comments hurled their way.

COSTA RICA CONFIDENTIAL – A proposed law to ban “piropos” (cat calls) has failed to obtain legislative support.

Although some women don’t mind comment directed their way, others do, in particular when the comments are vulgar and indecent, causing discomfort and indignation.

The controversy over the possible sanctioning of piropos in Costa Rica was raised after a similar proposal was introduced in Panama by independent legislator, Ana Matilde Gomez.

In that country, the proposal generated a string of humorous comments and jokes in the social media.

In Costa Rica, many of the women interviewed by Telenoticias – local television 7 news – said they don’t mind the piropos while they are flattering and decent.

But piropos are not only directed towards women, some also admit having been “piropiado”.

The idea of punishing offenders was first introduced by legislator Gloria Valerín, calling for fines from one month to two month’s salary for expressing obscene gestures or words against a woman. That proposal went nowhere.

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See also Verbal Aggression Disguised as “Piropos” Affect Thousands of Women


The women’s institute, the INAMU, has also made several attempts to penalize the piropo, as part of a law of violence against women. That proposal also failed to receive legislative support.

Although in the future a similar proposal may resurface, the behaviour is not regulated.


(Via QCostarica)

Ticas (Costa Rican women) and Latinas in general are used to the piropos, and ignore them. In San José, you’ll find that many Ticas dress in tight, provocative clothing, often paired with mile-high stiletto heels (how they pull this off during rainy season remains a mystery).

These women are used to Costa Rican machismo, and know how to handle the slew of comments hurled their way.

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