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Nine Out of Ten Ticas Shave Or Wax Their “Zona V”


COSTA RICA CONFIDENTIAL – Vaginal Zone or “V Zone” (Zona Vaginal o “Zona V” in Spanish) … pubes, call it what you like, all women have them. What matters is that more and more Costa Rican women care about their health and protection.

For a study, the Saba brand of female products, interviewed 400 women between the ages of 14 and 65 during 2014.

According to Vania Rodriguez, head researcher, said that nine out of ten Costa Rican women shaved their vaginal zone.  The statistic was reported by the digital Spanish news media,

“In other countries like Mexico or Guatemala, the figure drops to 40%, thus Costa Rica is a country where it is common for women to shave their intimate area. And the most common form of hair removal is the Brazilian wax method, which means total baldness.

Rodriguez, who stressed that the frequent shaving and waxing calls for greater care in keeping their intimate regions fresh, clean and free of infections. Rodriguez recommends waiting until pubic hairs have grown about five millimetres (about 0.196 inches) before the next shave or wax treatment.

Of concern for women is also the use of common soaps or douche for women who prefer to keep their pubic hairs to a minimum or bald. Hygiene products to be used are those that promote the growth of Lactobacillaceae bacteria, that contribute to a healthy vaginal ecosystem.

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