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Things You Should NEVER Say To A Woman

If you want her by your side … never tell her! Understanding the opposite sex can be complicated, but there are a few golden rules. If you want her to love you, never say any of these sentences …


“You Gained Weight”

No matter how many times she asks, “Am I fatter?”, The answer must always be “No”. Women say they prefer to be honest, but trust us, it’s not true.


“My ex used to …”

“My ex-girlfriend used to …” followed by any positive thing. Nothing good can come from a talk about exes.


“How many men have you slept with?”

Few women are attracted to men who are insecure and ask how many men she has slept with is the best example of your insecurity. Besides, if she’s your soul mate, who cares what he did in the past?

never-say-to-a-woman-50898“Your friend (sister, cousin, etc) is very sexy”

Your girlfriend knows that her friend (sister, cousin, etc) is sensual … and does not need you to point it out. That can only lead to jealousy and insecurity on her part, followed by fights and the possible end of your relationship.


“Your best friend is unbearable”

Women build strong bonds of friendship and is likely to remain very fond of that girl you seem unbearable, even after you separate. Unless you believe that her best friend went seriously out of line, you better not give your opinion. Guys will dump their best friend for a woman. Women do not.


“You’re going to wear that?”

Asking that can only have a negative end: If you she is offended, you’ll have an argument. If she likes your opinion, you’ll be waiting an hours while she tries everything in her closet.


“You wouldn’t understand”

If you say that, you make her feel hurt, cry and make her feel useless … or she will believe you are up to something.


“Are you in those days (on the rag)?”

Never ask. If she not, she will be furious because you think it’s because of her hormones, and if she is, her hormones will ensure that you instantly regret having opened his mouth.



Maybe to you it will look like an innocent agreement, but to her it means “whatever”. Whatever may have been the question, if you “agree”, she will think you said Ok to not object.


“Maybe we should postpone the wedding”

This is the biggest decision you can take and a retraction suggests that you are not ready for the commitment. If there is a good reason to postpone the wedding, she will see it on her own.


“You’re exaggerating”

Women tend to trust their emotions more than men, and what seems mundane to you, it may stress her out. Instead of accusing her of exaggerating, use positive reinforcement to help you discover the root problem.


Saying nothing

Of all the mistakes you can make with your girlfriend, staying silent is the worst. If you say nothing, automatically she will imagine the worst, no matter what the problem, real or imagined.

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