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Ways To Get Her Into A Threesome


Deep down, every man might want a threesome. Threesomes are not like regular sex — for an awesome experience you have to get your partner on board.

Assuming your relationship is not one of a paid-for-sex,  following are ways of getting her into a threesome.

Is She The Right Type?

First things first. If she is a very conservative girl who only has sex at night, under the covers, with the lights out and undresses in the bathroom before getting under the covers, you might not be able to successfully accomplish this. So choose the right partner to begin with.

Make Sure Your Sex Life Is On Par

If there are problems in your sex life, this won’t be the way to fix things.

Ask Her About Fantasies

Get really intimate with talking about your deepest fantasies and you might be surprised that a t


hreesome is on her mind too.

Make Sure She Feels Secure

It is very important that she feels secure in your relationship before adding another person to the mix. Tell her you love her more often, do little things that show her how special she is.

Let Her Choose The Girl

It is helpful if she chooses the girl instead of you. This way it is not someone you are personally attracted to.

Really Important, Don’t Act Too Excited About It

If you seem too excited about it, chances are she will see red … red flags, that is.

Be Reassuring

Reassure her that you are not interested in threesome just to have sex with another woman, but to improve your sex life together.

Let Her Think It’s Her Idea

If you propose the idea of a threesome correctly, she may actually think it’s her idea. Something along the lines of “some women are so insecure, they couldn’t handle being with their man and another woman.”

3sum_616Be Willing To Have A Reverse Threesome

This is the double standard for most guys, not wanting her to be with another man. She probably won’t want to, but you have to be willing to be with her and another man. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

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