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Woman Says She Paid $20,000 to Get a Third Breast

Jasmine Tridevil is hoping her third breast will help her get a reality show and also keep the guys away.


COSTA RICA CONFIDENTIAL (Afterbizlife) — Jasmine Tridevil (not her real name) spent $20,000 on plastic surgery to enhance her cleavage … with a third breast.

buzzfeedThe 21-year-old Tampa, Forida said, “It was really hard finding someone that would do it too because they’re breaking the code of ethics.” Tridevil, turned 21 shortly after the surgery.

The 21-year-old said: “I got it because I wanted to make myself unattractive to men. Because I don’t want to date anymore.”

nrm_1411392932-jasmine-tridevil-3After calling more than 50 doctors, she finally found a surgeon willing to do the procedure. Tissue from her abdomen was sculpted around a silicone implant in the center of her chest. The surgeon couldn’t create a new nipple, so Tridevil simply had one tattooed on.

“My mom ran out the door. She won’t talk to me. She won’t let my sister talk to me,” Tridevil said of her mother’s reaction. Dad’s a little more supportive but still ashamed of his circus-freak-esque daughter.

Tridevil’s dream is to have her own reality show on MTV, and she’s hoping her triple breasts will bring her one step closer to realizing her goals. But she said there’s a second motivating factor behind her breast triplets: “I got it because I wanted to make myself unattractive to men. Because I don’t want to date anymore,” she said.” Most guys would think it’s weird and gross. But I can still feel pretty because if I wore makeup and cute clothes, I can still, you know … feel pretty.” As long as you’re happy with it, Jasmine Tridevil, that’s all that matters.


Consultant plastic surgeon and British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Nilesh Sojitra told BuzzFeed News:

“This is a clear case of a patient who should not have had surgery performed on her. Someone making this kind of request may have body dysmorphia disorder, or not have thought through the long-term consequences of such a surgery – she will now be scarred for life – and may have benefited from psychological evaluation rather than surgery. Additionally, the actions of the surgeon are unethical and they have acted in a way where no reasonable plastic surgeon would.”

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