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The Perfect Woman According to Men and Women


COSTA RICA CONFIDENTIAL (Cosmopolitan) — A survey conducted by lingerie and sex toy store Bluebella (no, not blueballs) revealed some surprising — and other not-so-surprising — differences between male and female conceptions of “the perfect woman.”

The survey asked men and women to pick the “perfect” facial features from a list of celebrities in order to build the ideal female face. Interestingly, the results for men and women were pretty different, with the exception of everyone loving Mila Kunis’s eyes (sounds about right). But when the site combined the facial features into an actual person, the result was totally creepy.

Here’s the male version of female beauty:


And the female version:
And the female version:

Overall, it seemed like men preferred blonde hair and a lot of Angelina Jolie, while women preferred dark locks and Kiera Knightley’s facial structure. (Side note: In what universe is the only covetable feature on Jennifer Aniston her forehead?) Basically, this should be evidence enough that while you might love Cara Delevingne’s eyebrows and Scarlett Johansson’s lips, the end result may not look too flawless. So there’s no need to lust after a celeb’s perfect hair and jawline—your own mash-up of features is bound look better than these airbrushed Frankenfaces.


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