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Men and Women’s Underwear

COSTA RICA CONFIDENTIAL – One of my favourite things to do in life is pulling down or off women’s panties.

10547444_801636413201377_5300087685878903307_nThere is no other enjoyment for me than to peel off that last layer of clothing that … well, you get the picture.

I don’t know why even a fleeting glimpse of woman’s underwear get me going. Sometimes that is all I want, need – get a look at women’s underwear….(while they are being worn of course).

Could it be the embarrassment? Women do get embarassed when they realize their panties are showing, even the faked embarassment by women that tease us by showing us their panties.

Maybe its the fantasy that she is not wearing any? In Costa Rica few women go without panties. An old girlfriend from Cuba, who used to go pantieless in her country, had to learn to wear panties in Costa Rica. Something about the bugs and ants…I really wasn’t listening, too busy pulling off her panties.

Possibly the connection of having a woman in them or something? Guys like what women have down there so the connection is that the panties are somewhat of a wrapper of the good thing that is contained within.

Men are attracted to panties, because it makes us think about the other thing behind it? It’s like that yummy pie you can’t eat but it is right there hidden in a box, especially with women that don’t want us to see it.

There is so much to it and it is really very difficult to explain.

Although most women will say they hate men looking at their exposed panties, my question is, why do they wear skirts so short or move or sit in a way that, well … maybe it’s all about showing something they shouldn’t.

One thing I have learned in my days is that the underwear say a lot about the woman. It says a lot about her personality. Panties are the sexiest things. And the sexier the panties, the sexier the woman!

So many panties, so little time!

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