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The Dreaded Friend Zone!

COSTA RICA CONFIDENTIAL – In popular culture, friend zone refers to a platonic relationship wherein one person, most commonly the man, wishes to enter into a romantic or sexual relationship, while the other, the woman, does not. It is generally considered to be an undesirable or dreaded situation by the lovelorn person. The concept has been criticized as misogynistic.

This is the worst position a guy can be in – OK, women too – when he develops romantic feeling, but she only sees the relationship as just being friends. Because the two are around each other a lot,  you are there for her alwasys,  you will harbor feelings her, to the point of becoming completely comsumed by this person.

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I’m so deep in the friendzone that I’ve met her boydriends parents.

[/su_pullquote]Why does this happen? Simply, you’ve failed to impress her, be interesting to her in more than just, “you’re interesting!”.

The kicker is that most guys don’t know they are in the friend zone, won’t pick on the clues or even when told directly, like “you’re such a good friend.”  Women are quite clear about the friend zone, she’s decided you are unfuckable, but wants you around: not to be alone until she finds someone, someone she can call on for friendzone-girl-frienzoning-a-mananything (except sex), to buy her dinner or nice gifts.

The friend zone thing is just men going, “this woman won’t have sex with me.” Have you ever heard a girl say she’s in the friend zone?

How do you know you are in the friend zone, other than the obvious of being told you are just friends? It’s not a very nice place to be, going beyond the duties of duteis of friendship, like holding her purse, tagging along on a shopping date (in which you pay for all she buys), listening to her stories about other guys, asking advice about sex with guys (but not you); literally letting her walk all over you.

Once you finally realize you are in the friend zone and really want to escape, here are some hints:

1. Stop being the “nice guy”. You probably found youself in the friend zone for being the nicce guy, the guy she can depend on no matter what. The guy who will take her shopping, dinner, on a vacation, etc. etc. etc. and doesn’t have to worry about having to put out. Start pressuring her into having sex, a relationship and she will end it there.

2. Stop being needy. One of the reasons you might be interested in this person more than they’re into you is because you are giving off signals that you really want to have sex or be in a relationship with her. Coming off to desperate is a turn-off for women.

3. Think about the difference between a friendship and a romantic relationship. If you think a romantic relationship should just be a great friendship with physical intimacy thrown into the mix, then it’s understandable to look for common ground first, and wait for the physical attraction to kick in sooner or later. But not everyone sees relationships this way. Some women expect a “boyfriend” to play a particular role in their lives in order for physical attraction to emerge.

10628406_688967197864369_5764452858304494662_n4. Break the touch barrier. This is very important guys, the big distinction between “friendship” and “relationship” is the way we touch each other. There is the “friends” way to touch and the “romantic” way.

The boundary is different for different peope.

If you want to be more than just friends, don’t let “touch paralysis” (the if I touch her the wrong way and she doesn’t like it, I lose her) get the best of you. Hands, hair, shoulders, ankles and back are all important in the way we touch someone romantically than when just friends. Of course, if you are at the end of the line and are willing to take the shot, grabbing a butt or copping a feel of her tits (and not accidentally) will get the situation straightened out right away.

5. Realize that you’re “tying up” your feelings by staying friends with someone who isn’t romantically interested in you.

6. Let her go, stop showing her affection. She might find that suddenly she’s attracted to you. The object of your infatuation might love the “thrill of the chase”. But be careful here, you might get the girl, but then you may have your hands full, playing the cat-and-mouse game.

If are still just friends are after attempting these suggestions, it may be that you like being in the friend zone, where you will be forever, so don’t complain if she’s taking advantage of your infatuation to exploit you. It’s what you really want.

You are beyond repair. You have some serious disorder going on, you’re need to be around her, to be there for her, to spend money on her, to through yourself at her every whim, only to have you watch her with another guy and break your heart.

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