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Girls Who Can’t Fit Into Their Bathing Suits

A Nippleage Dilemma

Are you having to constantly be aware that boob spillage doesn’t turn into nippleage? Having big boobs is all fun and games until it comes to finding a bikini top that fits.


Too Small On Top?

Bikinis are basically hell for anyone with boobs on the smaller side. This gal had an idea!


Saggy Bottoms

Is your bikini sagging in the back? If so, it’s time to workout the saggy butt syndrome.


Grooming Is Essential

Tiny bikini bottoms means you have to groom A LOT in order to avoid looking like you’re hiding a troll doll!


‘Bridge The Gap’

If you’re a skinny gal, you have to deal with “the bikini bridge”, and although some are proud of their tummy gap. . . Do you really want viewers to see down into the valley?


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