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Sex and Prostitutes in Costa Rica

COSTA RICA CONFIDENTIAL (Rico Sauve) – For those who have visited Costa Rica, the following is nothing new, Costa Rica is a paradise for guys who just want to have good time and then get back to their lives. Or fall in love. Whatever your need or reason, definitely you are in the right place.

Prostitution in Costa Rica is not illegal, but “proxenetismo” (pimping) is. What does that mean? The women (it applies to men as well) in Costa Rica are free to offer sexual services and the men can purchase sex without risk or concern of being busted by the police.

Sex social workers are not shy about letting you know they are wanting to have a good time with you.

Laws are prohibitive, that is they prohibit, forbid or restrict something. In Costa Rica there is no law against a person selling their sexual services. A woman can ask you outright an exchange of sex for money. For guys, the same, you don’t have to worry about being caught asking a woman for sex for money.  On that, not every woman is willing to get into bed with you for money, so don’t be surprised if you hear a no, or even get slapped.

Staying with the law for a second more, what is prohibitied, forbidden and restricted in law is “pimping” or proxenetismo in Spanish. With that comes with years of jail time.

What is important here, for you, the consumer of sex services, is that proxenetismo does not affect you in any way. The law does not prohibit a person from offering or purchasing sexual services. Even from a proxeneta (pimp).  Unlike in North America and some parts of Europe where soliciting sex is illegal, such is not the case in Costa Rica. As a matter of fact you can offer any woman, any time and in any place, money for sex. You may get a slap on the face, or knee to the groin, but not the strong arm of the law.

Now, where do you enjoy this new found freedom?

Luckily just about everywhere. That is not to say that there are prostitutes at evey corner, to the contrary, you will find it hard to find sex social workers (SSWs) on the street corner, day or night. SSWs in Costa Rica don’t have to stand at a street corner to get johns. No, they can do that at bars, discos, the supermarket, the park, wherever.

Hanging out at known places for SSWs like the Hotel Del Rey and Key Largo in Gringo Gulch in San José and Cocal in Playa Jacó are no brainers. These are places for easy picking, just sit back, watch the parade of women who find you (the colour of your money) very attractive. Also, great places if you don’t have the stones to approach a woman and ask her for sex.

Unlike in other places around the world, SSWs don’t necessarily dress and play the part and since there is no scorecard or game playbook, you will have to use your keen sense of observation and boldness to guide you.

Not every woman in Costa Rica a SSWs, just that its often hard to tell the difference as most women in the country dress provocatively – high heels, belly showing, short skirts, tight jeans, revealing tops, etc, etc,  I love to hand out at the supermarket just to watch the fashion show, for example.

Latinas generally dress up even just to go to the supermarket. Imagine that! Even better than the shopping malls.

Because there is no score card to tell the players apart, I’ve developed a list of what things to look for if you are in the mood for some sex-for-pay.

Women in Costa Rica love to dress provocatively.
Women in Costa Rica love to dress provocatively.

1. Any woman who openly approaches you on the street, the supermarket, a bar, the shopping mall, etc and offers to spend time with you, is very obvious that she is more interested in you money and not you.

It can be confusing however, as Latinas are a pretty friendly bunch. First off, you look different from the local men, you stand out no matter how much you try to blend in. Your look, fashion (or lack of) can be appealing, so a smile is just one way of letting you know you’ve been noticed. But don’t make the rookie mistake of taking her for a SSWs, wait for it. If she is working, she will let you know. If not, take the smile and filed it under “all the women that want you.”

2. If you do get up and personal probe, visually and verbally, if she is a player. Take notice of body language, visual and verbal clues for what she is looking for.  Next.

3. You are in control. Although the woman ALWAYS chooses, you can control the outcome. If you are paying, you are the customer and you set the rules. She can say no (to your rules). Next.

4. Decide what it is you want and be flexible. Do you just want to pay up front for x minutes? or spend the nigth? a trip to the beach? even marry her? Your approach has to be dependent on your goal.  And be ready to change tactics in mid stream.

If it’s just cash and play, why waste time with small talk, probing, waiting for signals. “How much?” is all that is necessary. Next.

5. Make yourself interesting, Let’s face it, unlike men, women are not visual. So, what makes you different? The mystery. Being interesting. Peaking the curiosity.

In the end it’s all about the money, so why bother? Keep in mind that if she finds you interesting, is in to you for more than your money, the sex will be much better.

Photos from my personal archives. You can see more at

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