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Girl Watching Adventures #1: Pavas – Rohrmoser

A stroll along Avenida Central in downtown San José.

RICO SUAVE SERIES- In this series of reports I am going to talk about different places to meet and and watch girls in and around Costa Rica. Although most of the places are in the San José area, you literally can meet and watch girls almost anywhere, and anytime.

The places I am going to discuss with you are not “pick up” spots, places where girls monger (yes women monger as well) for guys, you. Me, I prefer to seek out places with “regular” girls, girls that are going about their daily lives and meeting up with gringos is not part of their routine.

I met her outside of Plaza Mayor, we are inside having coffee.

Places like Hotel Del Rey and Key Largo, the Beatles Bar and Cocal in Jacó, for instance, are full of girls waiting to meet up gringos for money. Can you blame them? Most gringos come down to monger and part of mongering is…well you know. There are many places around Costa Rica where girls are looking to hook up with gringos, for the extra cash, a relationships (cash on a regular basis) to a long term relationship (with more cash and a pay out at the end).

The places I am going to show you are nothing like that. Most of the girls you will meet and watch have no interest in gringos or old farts like us, but most will look, even say hello. Mostly out of curiosity. In the past one could walk down the boulevard of San José and get all sorts of stares. And before cell phones one could start a conversation. But that changed with the technology.

Although girls in Costa Rica are accustomed to seeing gringos, for the most part their contact is with mongers with no class, asking a regular how much she charges, in the firm belief that every girl in Costa Rica is looking for his money. Well, maybe a lot, but not every. Or at least not in such an open and crass manner.

No, these are girls who hold down regular jobs, from a supermarket checkout to receptionist to a dental assistant or teller at the local bank. They earn a salary, mostly live with the families if single, husbands and children. Just because she is married doesn’t mean you can watch here or even that they don’t like to be watched. Rico Suave’s rule number 3: if a hot piece of ass is in your vision she is to be watched.

Having said all that, let me start my list, with a place very close to home, my own neighbourhood of Pavas/Rohrmoser, an area with many opportunities and some great looking girls, all day, every day.

My favourite of several is the “radial” (road) from Plaza Mayor to the AyA, some seven blocks that has a tremendous amount of girl traffic between 7 and 8 weekday mornings and then again around 5 in in the afternoon.

These are girls going to work in the morning and then heading home in the afternoon.

It is special because just behind the AyA, directly across the fires station, about two blocks in, is a train stop.

In the mornings the train is full of hot women, most dressed in heels, tight jeans and revealing tops. Regular girls with a job, that as they step off the train, they make a beeline for jobs at Citi, Scotiabank, Convergys, ICE, INS and a myriad of smaller offices within a 10 minute walking distance.  You can be on this road after 9am for the girls working in retail stores and supermarkets. Before 7am it is the domestics (maids) going to work.

During the day the volume of girls on this road decreases greatly.

Now, you will stand out. And probably be judged incorrectly. A lone gringo, worse if in groups, hanging out, doing nothing? So, you need to have a purpose to be there without being labeled as a “gringo verde” (dirty old gringo), which brings me to Rico Suave’s rule number 2: always be prepared.

In may case, since I am near my home and my dogs, I sue the walking around the block with the dogs as an excuse. The girls love my dogs, they want to pet them, they ask questions. A lot though I wish they wouldn’t, they are taking up my valuable time from the ones I wish that would.

Nice ass waiting for the train at the Pavas stop. Fiddling with my phone, pretending to be sending a test message or looking up a number, whatever, works. One, make sure the phone is on silent, you don’t want the click to be heard; two, make sure the flash is off (on my phone the flash is defaulted to off, I have to turn it on when I need it); and three, practice by setting the zoom, clicking the shutter button before you head out. Nothing worse than pretending you are texting when you it is clear you are using the camera. See more of my shots at

Walking the dog allows me to walk behind her, watch her up close (not in a creepy way), change direction and speed, etc.

In areas where I don’t have the dogs, I use other methods, like pretending to be waiting for someone, waiting to be picked up (yeah by her), sport walking (I don’t do jogging) and anything else I can think of. I also usually try to befriend the local street vendors, gives me a reason to be there.

I always have my cell phone handy (replaces pen and paper) to get a phone number and a picture (in some cases) to remind who she if she calls. Most don’t. Some do. Rico Suave’s rule number one: never call, let her call first.

Now, here is the best part of this road. Because most of the girls are in the areas for a purpose: word, duh, she is going to be around all week, save for holidays. So, if you spot a girl that really floats your boat, you can see her over and over. And every time your chances increase to get to talk to her, starting with a simple look or hello and get to know her.

OK, so the initial intent was not to hook up, but who are we kidding? why are we doing this? of course to hook up, but with regular girls and with a variety of choices, from tall, to short, to big titties, no titties, long or short hair, long legs, big or small asses, well, you get the picture.

Look for my next Girl Watching Adventure soon…


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