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Girlfriend Trap #1: Thinking You HAVE to Have a GF in Costa Rica

girlfriend trap

COSTA RICA CONFIDENTIAL – It’s not uncommon common with guys who come to Costa Rica for the first time (or second, third…) to immediately start looking for a girlfriend, as opposed to just paying as you go for female company.

I don’t say that nobody should ever want a girlfriend rather than a pro, but there are numerous ‘traps’ out there just waiting for the unsuspecting Gringo, and that’s what we’ll talk about here.

Coming from the US or Canada, lots of guys believe they HAVE to have a girlfriend. If you ask them why, they usually answer ‘because I just DO’ and haven’t given it much more thought than that. Back home it was the only way they were going to get laid, in most cases. There are reasons to have a girlfriend, but in Costa Rica and much of Latin America you don’t have to have a girlfriend to have as much sex as you want.

There are literally thousands of girls who will be more than happy to accommodate you for a price, often quite reasonable. Guys with girlfriends down here don’t get any more sex than those without, and often get less. I hear about it all the time from gringos who live down here, how their “novia” turned into an iceberg or a flame breathing monster once she felt she had her “novio” hooked.

There’s no question that there is some sort of drive or something that pulls guys towards having some sort of steady relationship even when the amount of sex they can have is virtually unlimited. I know guys who love to go out catting around and then come home to their ‘significant other.’ I even know dedicated mongers who pick some girl out and marry her despite all the other women he sees, and still go out prowling for strange.

It’s beyond the scope of my post here to figure out why guys do what they do. There are happily married men who come down here on the sly just for a little ‘strange.’ I’m not here to judge. I do say that wanting lots of sex is NOT a good reason to have a girlfriend here. There are a number of traps waiting for you if you choose to go that route anyway.

IThe temptation is strong because the girls you can find here who are willing to (at least pretend to) be your girlfriend are very appealing. If a girl back home like that showed interest in you, you’d be all over it, and you don’t realize that the rules are totally different down here. There are a lot of traps you can fall into, and we’ll cover some of them in upcoming posts. Till then, try not to fall in love with the first hussy you meet, okay?

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