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Why Women Love Horses


It is currently estimated that around 85% of all horse riders are women and that figure is fairly consistent across the world. So, Trot on TV ( the leading social networking site for horse enthusiasts wanted to try and discover a bit more about why women love horses so much.

Their comprehensive online survey took each participant about 20 minutes to complete and well over  1,500 of their members took part from around the globe.


Sorry guys, the truth is out. When it comes to choosing between spending time with her horse or her man, most women would choose their horse! And even family and close friends find themselves as gooseberries to this valued relationship! And when women finally do get hitched their horse is often centre stage at the wedding!

It seems that most women get hooked on horses when they are very young. It’s their first proper love affair and even if the rest of life: University, boyfriends, work and family, gets in the way for a while, this deepest of desires is always grazing somewhere in the landscape of their hearts often to be re-kindled later on.

So when we asked women what it is about horses that they love so much, their (beauty) was high on the list. But that alluring mix of physical power and grace is eclipsed by something much deeper. It is in fact the horses ‘intuitive understanding’ that makes women fall in love with them.


When it comes to happiness most women prize relationships far above money. Which is just as well because horses feed one and eat the other! But the second thing that would make women happier is to achieve more and it is often through the horse that they feel able to do that. So what is at the heart of this addiction? Simply, friendship

Some people suggest that the reason women love horses so much is because they are like children and need us to look after them.  Following that they want to appear ‘intelligent’, leaving “attractive” way down the list of priorities!


Most women don’t want to dominate and subdue horses, but use words such as ‘oneness, honesty, kindness, trust and mutual respect.’ And if the horse has taught us anything, according to the survey it is the value of Patience and Freedom.


So, how do most women feel when we are riding? The answer- connected and fulfilled. Sitting astride a horse not only tests skill and nerve but seems to provide women with a way to relate physically and spiritually that they don’t find elsewhere.

Finally, it would seem that being with a horse allows women to escape from the stresses and strains of everyday life.


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