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Exchange Keeps Climbing…More Bang For The Buck!

More bang for the buck!

The dollar exchange keeps climbing, closing last Friday (Mar. 7) at ¢567.81 in the wholesale market, the highest level since January 2010. During the week ending Friday, the rate rose ¢12.95 colones, despite the Central Bank injecting US$141 million in the dollar supply.

Will it reach ¢600 or even beyond? Maybe.

Click here to check the official exchange rate, update each morning by the Central Bank
Click here for the exchange rate at local banks, update as changes occur

That is great news for mongers visiting, as they get more bang (literally) for a buck. But, the sex social workers (SSW) – we don’t call them prostitutes or whores here, after all they do perform very much needed social work – they know how this works and that is why they always quote in dollars.

But, at the massage parlours  and the still uninitiated SSW’s, will be working for colones. After all, how does not explain to hubby at home the job at the local hotel or restaurant pays in dollars?

So, lets do the math;

US$100 at ¢505 is ¢50.500 colones or 2.5 times the bang for your typical ¢20.000 SSW.

Now, at ¢560 colones to a buck, that is ¢56.000 or 2.8 times the bang, at ¢600, 3 times the bang.

Not so good for the locals, but…


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